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Determining Fees

Oversight of tuition and student fee recommendations rests with the Tuition and Fee Advisory Taskforce (TFAT), which is co-chaired by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations and the Student Body President. Due to the intricacies of student fees, the Student Fee Advisory Subcommittee (SFAS), a subcommittee of the TFAT, manages the student fee submission and review process. The members of the SFAS review the fee requests as a basis for their recommendations to the TFAT. The final decision on fee proposals to the University’s Board of Trustees remains with the Chancellor. Once Board of Trustee approval is received, the fee requests are then forwarded to the UNC System Board of Governors for consideration, except for Miscellaneous Charges, which only require the approval of the Chancellor and the President.

Fee Descriptions and Additional Course Fees

Each approved student fee supports different University programs and services. In addition to these fees, several academic programs charge additional fees for students taking specific courses.

Types of Fees
Fee Description
Athletic Funds intercollegiate athletics, including salaries and maintenance and operation of athletic facilities.
*Educational Technology-XX Funds specialized instructional supplies and services for scientific and information technology equipment.
Student Health Funds medical services for students, including the salaries, maintenance and operation of student health centers.
*Campus Security Mandated by UNC General Administration to fund Campus Security Initiatives.
Student Activity Fees: Funds nonacademic student services listed below:
Student Organizations Supports the growth of student organizations, and the mission of each unique group. [Note: $39/year for graduate students]
Student Endowed Library Fund Initiated and approved in 1993 by Student Congress to support library services.[Note: does not apply to Law and Health Affairs graduate students]
Student Legal Services Established in 1976 by Student Congress to fund a pre-paid plan of legal services for students.
Sonja Stone Scholarship Unrestricted scholarship fund approved in 1990 by student referendum, named in Sept. 1991 in memory of Dr. Sonja H. Stone.
Safety and Security Supports the Safety & Security Committee, by which students support campus safety initiatives.
Campus Recreation Supports staffing, supplies, & equipment for student recreation programs including Intramurals, Sport Clubs, Carolina Fitness.
Carolina Union Operating Supports the operations of the Frank Porter Graham Student Union.
Student Child Care Services Approved 2002 by student referendum to support child care services to be used for the University Child Care Financial Assistance Program – Eliminated Fall 2019
Renewable Energy Established by student referendum to encourage the use of sustainable (green) energy alternatives.
Carolina Performing Arts Supports reduced student ticket prices, student work force and use of venues for student productions.
Undergraduate Teaching Award Supports a student funded and selected award to recognize excellence in undergraduate instruction. [Note: does not apply to graduate students]
A.P.P.L.E.S. Program Funds Student-led program to engage students, faculty, and community agencies in service-learning partnerships. [Note: does not apply to graduate students]
Debt Fees: Funds the principal and interest for capital projects, listed below:
Ramshead Recreation Center Debt Provides funds to repay bond indebtedness incurred for construction of the Ramshead Recreation Center.
Union & IM Fields Debt Provides funds to repay bond indebtedness incurred for the Student Union expansion and basement renovation plus improvements.
Student Dining Debt Provides funds to repay bond indebtedness incurred for multiple campus student dining facilities.
*SPEC Admin Computing Supports the maintenance and development of the student information system – Eliminated Fall 2018
*SPEC Assoc of Student Governments Supports the system wide Association of Student Governments.
*MISC Registration Supports the maintenance of registration processes.
MISC Student Transit/SafeRide Supports enhancing access to campus and surrounding areas.
MISC Student Transit/SafeRide Part of the Student Transit Fee, supporting the Safe Ride Program.
MISC Student ID Supports the cost of production and support of the UNC One Card.
MISC Night Parking Funds the operation and maintenance of the parking system, including lots and decks, and supports fare-free local and regional transit.
Senior Class Enrichment Funds enrichment and publicity for student class events.
Note: subtract Undergraduate Teaching Award Fee and A.P.P.L.E.S. Program Fee and reduce Student Organizations Fee by $10 for Mandatory Student Fees for graduate students. For Health Affairs graduate students, also subtract the Student Endowed Library Fund Fee. Add program specific fees listed below.

Program/School Specific Fees Descriptions

Business Program Enhancement Fee – Major
Business Program Enhancement Fee – Minor
Computer Science Program Enrichment Fee
Dental School Funds a variety of activities and materials specific to the Dental School.
Graduate Student Programming Fee Graduate Students administered through the Graduate School.
Law School Funds a variety of activities and programs specific to the School of Law.
Major Fees Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, and Business have varying fees to support those programs
MBA/MAC Funds a variety of activities and programs specific to MBA/MAC programs.
Medical School Funds activities for the Medical Association, a professional organization supporting membership approved initiatives for medical students.
Medical School One-time fee will be assessed for MD and PA students for an iPad Mini, required for clinical setting instruction.
School of Nursing Clinical Compliance Fee
Pharmacy PharmD student activity fund, managed by the UNC School of Pharmacy Senate.

*NOTE: These fees are assessed to all students, regardless of classification.

Courses and Fees
Course Practicum Fee Simulation Training Fee
NURS 924, 925 $91.00
NURS 351 $175.00
NURS 310, 311, 330, 410, 411, 430, 481, 482, 483, 484, 697 $175.00 $91.00
NURS 720, 740, 810, 812, 819, 820, 823, 827, 828, 840, 842, 849, 850, 860, 864, 868, 872, 874, 878, 922, 923 $150.00
NURS 750, 824, 825, 830, 832, 833, 841 $150.00 $91.00
Courses and Fees
Course Practicum Fee
PHCY 590, 591, 690, 691, 790, 791, 886, 887, 888, 889, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897 $200.00
Courses and Fees
Course Practicum Fee
PUBA 745, 746, 747, 748 $200.00
Courses and Fees
Course Practicum Fee
BIOS 691 $25.00
HBEH 746 $600.00
HPM 393 $400.00
HPM 701 $550.00
HPM 702, 703 $500.00
HPM 793, MHCH 717, PHNU 886 $450.00
PUBH 790 $158.00
NUTR 720 $107.00
NUTR 735, 760L $50.00
Courses and Fees
Course Practicum Fee
SOWO 520, 521, 522, 720, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824 $300.00

Fees and Tax Reporting

For a list of fees excluded from Form 1098-T reporting, see the Student Tax Reporting page.

Student Fee Waiver Policy