Athletic |
Funds intercollegiate athletics, including salaries and maintenance and operation of athletic facilities. |
*Educational Technology-XX |
Funds specialized instructional supplies and services for scientific and information technology equipment. |
Student Health |
Funds medical services for students, including the salaries, maintenance and operation of student health centers. |
*Campus Security |
Mandated by UNC General Administration to fund Campus Security Initiatives. |
Student Activity Fees: Funds nonacademic student services listed below: |
Student Organizations |
Supports the growth of student organizations, and the mission of each unique group. [Note: $39/year for graduate students] |
Student Endowed Library Fund |
Initiated and approved in 1993 by Student Congress to support library services.[Note: does not apply to Law and Health Affairs graduate students] |
Student Legal Services |
Established in 1976 by Student Congress to fund a pre-paid plan of legal services for students. |
Sonja Stone Scholarship |
Unrestricted scholarship fund approved in 1990 by student referendum, named in Sept. 1991 in memory of Dr. Sonja H. Stone. |
Safety and Security |
Supports the Safety & Security Committee, by which students support campus safety initiatives. |
Campus Recreation |
Supports staffing, supplies, & equipment for student recreation programs including Intramurals, Sport Clubs, Carolina Fitness. |
Carolina Union Operating |
Supports the operations of the Frank Porter Graham Student Union. |
Student Child Care Services |
Approved 2002 by student referendum to support child care services to be used for the University Child Care Financial Assistance Program – Eliminated Fall 2019 |
Renewable Energy |
Established by student referendum to encourage the use of sustainable (green) energy alternatives. |
Carolina Performing Arts |
Supports reduced student ticket prices, student work force and use of venues for student productions. |
Undergraduate Teaching Award |
Supports a student funded and selected award to recognize excellence in undergraduate instruction. [Note: does not apply to graduate students] |
A.P.P.L.E.S. Program |
Funds Student-led program to engage students, faculty, and community agencies in service-learning partnerships. [Note: does not apply to graduate students] |
Debt Fees: Funds the principal and interest for capital projects, listed below: |
Ramshead Recreation Center Debt |
Provides funds to repay bond indebtedness incurred for construction of the Ramshead Recreation Center. |
Union & IM Fields Debt |
Provides funds to repay bond indebtedness incurred for the Student Union expansion and basement renovation plus improvements. |
Student Dining Debt |
Provides funds to repay bond indebtedness incurred for multiple campus student dining facilities. |
*SPEC Admin Computing |
Supports the maintenance and development of the student information system – Eliminated Fall 2018 |
*SPEC Assoc of Student Governments |
Supports the system wide Association of Student Governments. |
*MISC Registration |
Supports the maintenance of registration processes. |
MISC Student Transit/SafeRide |
Supports enhancing access to campus and surrounding areas. |
MISC Student Transit/SafeRide |
Part of the Student Transit Fee, supporting the Safe Ride Program. |
MISC Student ID |
Supports the cost of production and support of the UNC One Card. |
MISC Night Parking |
Funds the operation and maintenance of the parking system, including lots and decks, and supports fare-free local and regional transit. |
Senior Class Enrichment |
Funds enrichment and publicity for student class events. |
Note: subtract Undergraduate Teaching Award Fee and A.P.P.L.E.S. Program Fee and reduce Student Organizations Fee by $10 for Mandatory Student Fees for graduate students. For Health Affairs graduate students, also subtract the Student Endowed Library Fund Fee. Add program specific fees listed below. |
Program/School Specific Fees Descriptions
Business |
Program Enhancement Fee – Major |
Business |
Program Enhancement Fee – Minor |
Computer Science |
Program Enrichment Fee |
Dental School |
Funds a variety of activities and materials specific to the Dental School. |
Graduate Student Programming Fee |
Graduate Students administered through the Graduate School. |
Law School |
Funds a variety of activities and programs specific to the School of Law. |
Major Fees |
Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, and Business have varying fees to support those programs |
Funds a variety of activities and programs specific to MBA/MAC programs. |
Medical School |
Funds activities for the Medical Association, a professional organization supporting membership approved initiatives for medical students. |
Medical School |
One-time fee will be assessed for MD and PA students for an iPad Mini, required for clinical setting instruction. |
School of Nursing |
Clinical Compliance Fee |
Pharmacy |
PharmD student activity fund, managed by the UNC School of Pharmacy Senate. |